The Author and Creator

Kathy M. Lovelace holds a BS degree in Psychology, but was employed as a banker for 35 years before her retirement from full time work.
Finding herself at loose ends, she began taking classes in Web Design from the University of Tennessee as a possible new career. She created this website: "Alvie, The Little Brown Burro" for a class assignment.
Alvie seemed to catch on, and the rest - as they say - is history.
Kathy also paints. Since her husband is a fly fisherman, the most frequent subjects of her paintings are the beautiful Brown, Rainbow and Brook trout found in the small streams of the nearby Great Smokey Mountains National Park. She and her husband make their home in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Kathy's work is available for purchase at,
You can contact Kathy via email at
The Reader
Barbara M. Nelson has been employed by the Kershaw County School District in South Carolina for the past 34 years as a teacher of the visually impaired, hearing impaired and as a regular classroom teacher. She received her National Board Teaching Certification in the area of Exceptional Needs Specialist Birth through Twenty-One in 2002.
Alvie thinks she does a great job reading his stories and really makes his adventures come to life.
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